The Saskatchewan Facilitator's Guild

Don’t you sometimes wish you could share you ideas (questions, concerns, "What ifs...?") with another facilitator? This question has brought people together who are interested in an ongoing dialogue about facilitation based on structured methods and other supporting facilitation skills.

The next Guild event will be 21-Oct-05 to experience the "Visual Explorer" tool developed by the Center for Creative Leadership.

Over our history, we have explored various facilitation topics such as:

  • Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
  • Future Search conferences
  • ICA Journey of the Organization
  • The “Know Me" Game
  • Lego Serious Play (LSP)
  • Square Wheels

We are a provincial organization depending on local and regional sub-groups to keep momentum. Anyone interested in group process facilitation is welcome to join our meetings and scheduled events. For those involved is a "training" environment, there may be more value in SAHRP or CSTD.

The term “Guild” - a society for mutual aid for some common purpose - best describes our intentions. The purposes of the Guild are to:

  • provide a professional facilitator development organization;
  • learn through peer interaction;
  • provide diverse opportunities to co-facilitate;
  • provide collegial opportunities for sharing support; and
  • leverage local ICA training and networking opportunities.

Principles for Guiding Guild Operations:

The Guild will make its events accessible to all interested people in terms of distance and cost of participation.

Inclusive and Open
The Guild will respect people and support openness. We want people to be comfortable raising any question during group functions.

Coordinated and Practical
Guild activities will be fully promoted to all people that have shown interest, and will be well designed and implemented. Activities will provide participants with facilitation skills and opportunities to practice them.

Fun and Enthusiasm
Guild activities will be good learning experiences for participants, will be fun and approached with full enthusiasm.

Contact Jim Roscoe for more information or registration at:
Subject: Sask Facilitator Guild

Tel: (306) 530.7423 (CST)

SK Facilitators Guild
c/o Vanguard Facilitators
PO Box 28058
Regina SK S4N 7L1


Copyright © 2018 by Jim Roscoe and Vanguard Facilitators. All rights reserved in all media.