Group Based Planning

Vanguard Facilitators offers a number of methods for strategic (long-term) and tactical (or action) planning. In addition to traditional "consulting" style plans, Vanguard relies heavily on "participatory" methods. Some “brand name” methods that we use are:

  • PATH: Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope

    PATH is an 8-step, systemic, creative planning process that begins by creating a vision, then specifies actions to get moving on the journey to that desirable future. As a highly adaptable and graphical (visual) process, it makes the implicit – explicit. It takes out the “whining” and asks bluntly if people are willing to do the hard work to invent their future. This produces a grounded, step-by-step action plan which locks in individual commitments and enrols other important actors.

  • ToP™ Participatory Strategic Planning (PSP)

    ToP PSP is a consensus-based planning approach that has been used in corporations, organizations, and communities in more than 50 nations around the world. The planning process results in a comprehensive and long-ranging plan with implementation beginning the day the planning process is finished. Allot a minimum of two days for this process.Contact us for information on using “Participatory Project Management”.

  • Applied Strategic Planning (ASP)

    ASP provides an archetypal framework from which to design a detailed strategic planning process for a particular organization. The main pieces are:

    • Situational Analysis:
      • Preparing to Plan
      • Taking Stock
    • Strategic Framework:
      • Values, Behaviour, Philosophy
      • Vision and Mission
      • Issue Resolution / Gap Analysis
    • Operational or Business Plans:
      • Goals, Objectives, Action Plans
      • Implementation and Evaluation



Copyright © 2018 by Jim Roscoe and Vanguard Facilitators. All rights reserved in all media.